S Main St / W 20th St is a suburban neighborhood in the city of Joplin, Missouri, classified as such based on population density. When you encounter a neighborhood for the first time, the most significant thing to notice is frequently the way it seems, such as the architecture and location of the houses. A unique mix of occupational or cultural groups exists in some places that appear to be the same on the surface, but which only reveal their actual character once residents have lived in them for a period of time. In a number of significant respects, this community is unlike any other.

It is estimated that the S Main St / W 20th St neighborhood has the highest concentration of Native American and Welsh ancestry residents of any neighborhood in the United States. In actuality, Native American heritage is represented by 3.5 percent of the neighborhood’s people, while Welsh ancestry is represented by 2.2 percent.

When it comes to sales and service jobs, the S Main St / W 20th St neighborhood has 33.9 percent of the working population, which includes jobs ranging from managing major accounts to working in fast food restaurants. A total of 26.3 percent of the area’s people work in executive, management, and professional occupations, making them the second most important occupational category in the community. In addition, 23.7 percent of the population is working in manufacturing and laborer occupations, and 15.6 percent is employed in clerical, assistant, and technological support activities.

People in this neighborhood speak a variety of languages, which makes for a diverse community. These are the languages that people prefer to speak when they are at home with their family, according to the data collected. The majority of households in the S Main St / W 20th St neighborhood speak English as their primary language, which is spoken by 95.0 percent of those living there. Spanish and Polish are two more prominent languages spoken in this region.

Residents of the S Main St / W 20th St neighborhood in Joplin, MO area, are most likely to identify as German in terms of ethnicity or heritage (13.3 percent ). There are also a significant number of persons with Irish ancestry (7.0 percent), as well as inhabitants with Native American heritage (3.5 percent), and some of the population are also of English ancestry (3.5 percent), as well as some residents with Dutch ancestry (3.3 percent).

S Range Line Rd
Concrete Services Joplin